Learning Services

Our Learning Services Team

Kevin Dellio  x241  delliok@hdsb.ca
Department Head - Special Education

Barb Ball  x231
Laurie Kett  x253
Graham Park x241

Please don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions or concerns. 905-637-3825

Nelson's Learning Resource team supports students with learning needs:

What is an individual education plan?

An IEP is a written plan to help support student learning and achievement. It is a working document which describes the strengths and needs of a particular student, as well as the special education program and services the student is receiving within the resources available to the school board.

Reviewing and updating the IEP:

An IEP will be reviewed every reporting period and sent home a minimum of two times a year. Your child's IEP and his/her progress towards his/her goals will be reviewed after each Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) meeting as well as at other points during the year.

You will be consulted after every IPRC and a copy of the IEP will be sent home within thirty (30) school days of the date your child starts or continues in a special education program (IPRC placement date).

During the review, if changes are required in teaching strategies, accommodations, modifications, or services, you will also be consulted in the updating of the IEP.

For more information on IEP's click HERE.

For more information Special Education Programs and Placements click HERE.