Final 30% Evaluations - Semester 2 - June 19-25, 2025 

Check back for more details later this semester!



The final 30% evaluations provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning during the last 15 school days of a course. The final 30% evaluations may include a variety of evaluation activities (e.g., a written exam, a performance, a small group discussion, an interview, an essay, and/or other methods of evaluation suitable to the course). 

The school year calendar, which includes dates for the final 30% evaluation, is posted in the ‘Calendars & Key Dates’ page here. Students are expected to be in attendance on those dates unless unable to attend by reason of illness or extenuating circumstances.  

The school does not give permission for absences from school for purposes such as vacations, employment or other discretionary reasons.  Parents/Guardians who withdraw students during school time are advised that depending on the timing and length of the absence, there may be serious academic consequences including issuing a zero for a missed evaluation.

Extenuating circumstances must be outlined to the Administration well in advance of planned absences.  The below steps must be completed  before a decision regarding rescheduling a final 30% evaluation is finalized. 

Parents/Guardians and students should note the following:
-It may be necessary for assignments that are due during the planned absence to be submitted prior to the absence.
-Teachers are not required to reschedule evaluations missed due to discretionary absences.
-Teachers are not required to reschedule missed instruction to accommodate discretionary absences.
-Some courses may have unique requirements for which it may not be possible to make up for all work missed.  A zero may be assigned if the work missed is designed to demonstrate an overall expectation of the course.
-Evaluation situations such as group work and presentations may also not be able to be repeated, and may result in a zero.

Process for Requested Absence DURING FINAL EVALUATION BLOCK:
-The student meets with administrator to discuss circumstances
-The student completes the Requested Absence form with teachers and gets it signed by a parent/guardian. 
-Student returns the form to the main office.
-Administration consults with teachers and Program Leader as needed.
-Administration meets with the student to convey expectations and decisions.
-Administration communicates the decision and plan to teachers.

Process for Requested Absence During Final Performance Task time:
-The student picks up absence form from the main office.
-The student completes the Requested Absence form with teachers and gets it signed by a parent/guardian. 
-Student returns the form to the main office.
-Administration consults with teachers and Program Leader as needed.
-Administration meets with the student to convey expectations and decisions.
-Administration communicates the decision and plan to teachers.