Meet The Teacher - Thursday March 27, 2025

Meet-the-Teacher Evening will take place Thursday, March 27, 2025 and will be divided into two components:

Informal: 5:00 - 5:40 (no appointments required) 

Formal:  5:50 - 7:00 (appointments required)

**As a general rule, the formal appointments are best designed to problem solve in more depth and have deeper conversations about student progress where concerns have been indicated.

The informal component of the evening best designed for those who wish to say hello, touch base with the classroom teacher(s) and for those families who do not feel a formal appointment time slot is warranted. The goal is to spend 1-2 minutes with each teacher. If the conversation needs more time, the teacher may share their email with you to book a longer time to connect. The informal part of the evening will take place from 5:00 p.m. to 5:40 p.m. and appointments are not required. 

If you wish to schedule a formal meeting with any of your student's teachers, please follow the instructions shown further down the page. Typically these time slots are designed for families with concerns about student progress. 

The booking system is now open for scheduling appointments and will close on March 26 at 11:00 pm.


1. Go to the Nelson scheduling website

2. Enter your child's 9-digit Ontario Education Number (OEN) and click "Sign In"   (The OEN number can be found on your child's report card)

3. Fill in your contact information and click "Continue to Make Appointments"

4. Click on the name of a teacher with whom you wish to schedule an appointment

5. Click on "Available" for a time at which you wish to meet with that teacher

6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until you have scheduled all the teachers you wish to see

7. Click on "My Schedule" (top left of the page)

8. Print out (or copy down) your schedule and bring it with you

Should you wish to cancel an appointment you have made, click on "Cancel" beside the meeting you wish to have removed from your schedule.

If you experience any difficulty using the service, please email

View information sent home to families on February 28 HERE.

View Information sent home to families on March 19 HERE.