Graduation Information 2024

Visit this page regularly for Class of 2024 updates!  

Below you will find information on:

Diploma and Transcript Pick Up

Graduating students can pick up their diploma packages on Monday, July 8 or Tuesday, July 9 between the hours of 9:00am and 2:00pm. Packages will be distributed from the main office. 

*STUDENTS OVER 18 - If you make arrangements with a parent/guardian/other to pick up your diploma package we will need an email from you, or a hand written letter, giving them permission. Please forward your request to

Google Workspace Access Expiry

As of July 13, 2024 students who are not returning for the 2024/2025 school year will lose access to the HDSB Network & Google Workspace for Education applications, data, and email.

IMPORTANT:  If you have used your HDSB email when applying for post secondary, resume,  job applications, you will need to update your information and change it to a personal email address before access to your HDSB account is lost.

To retain your Google Workspace data please select one of the following:

Action must be completed by July 13 , 2024.

Community Involvement Hours


For the 2023-2024 school year, graduating students are required to complete 40 hours of community service.  Students can start accumulating their hours in the summer following their grade 8 year.

All hours need to be submitted via the link below. You can only submit one file at a time, but you can submit multiple times.

If you worked, you can claim 10 hours. You will need to download a reflection form (below), write a reflection, and use the Submit Community Service hours link (below) to submit the reflection form. You will also need to submit your paystub, showing your hours, using the same Submit Community Service hours link (below).

If you helped around the house, you will need to download a reflection form (below), write a reflection, and use the Submit Community Service hours link (below) to submit the reflection form. You also need to download the Tracking Sheet (below) and complete it, claiming how many hours you helped, and use the same Submit Community Service hours link (below) to submit the form.

If you volunteered, you will need to submit EITHER a letter from the organization that you volunteered for that has a letterhead, a signature from the supervising person and the number of hours that you volunteered OR you will need to download the Tracking Sheet (below) and complete it, indicating how many hours you volunteered, and have it signed by the supervisor. The letter or the sheet then needs to be submitted using the same Submit Community Service hours link (below).

How to submit hours:

Here is a link to the reflection form: Reflection form

Here is a link to the tracking sheet for any hours that needs to be completed and signed: Tracking Sheet

Here is a link to submit your tracking sheet, once it is completed: Submit Community Service hours

Search here for opportunities: Volunteer Halton

Click here to visit the HDSB's official Community Involvement Hours page.